Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Look sharp

No, doing the laundry and ironing isn't fun. There is sort of a zen to it though. You'll save a nice chunk of change too. Figure $1 per shirt and $1.50 per pair of pants, at the minimum, if you use a commercial laundry service. For my family, that works out to 10 pairs of pants and at least 5 button-down shirts per week, sometimes more. That's at least $1000/yr. And I've been doing this myself for almost 20 years now.

Incidentally, if you are going to do the ironing, set aside one hour a week (I do our ironing on Sunday morning). Also, the job is really no big deal if you have a very good iron. Get a Rowenta Professional (pictured above). Rowenta's irons are the only ones I have encountered lately that really make a lot of heat and steam. The sole plate is good and heavy too. They work so well in fact that you can do both sides of a pair of pant legs with one pass on one side. That saves a lot of time. They cost a bit more than the low end models but they are really worth the money.

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