Sunday, October 25, 2009


(My most recent project. I'm the local lawyer in my synagogue. I was asked to lead the discussion on Id theft on this occasion. I had fun and a number of folks told me afterward how much they appreciated my effort.)

If you are looking for something useful to do with your spare time that won't cost you a penny, consider volunteering you services. You may be thinking, what can I do that would matter to anyone. The reality is that you can do plenty. Whether it be visiting the elderly in nursing homes or getting involved with your church or synagogue, or any number of other worthy causes, there are loads of useful activities out there waiting for someone to just step up. Plenty of us have a useful skill that could help others if shared. I have learned that it doesn't take a huge effort to make a meaningful difference to others. That it can be done for little or no financial commitment makes it that much better in my view.