Thursday, October 23, 2008

Save Power

If you haven't switched over to compact flourescent lights yet, do it. They last a long time and use a fraction of the power that incandescents use. They cost a little more up front (prices have come down lately though) but save in the long run. While you are at it, do what you can to insulate your home for the winter. Weather stripping is inexpensive and very effective at stopping heat loss. I have floor to ceiling drapes on many of my windows. (My mother-in-law is a seamstress. She made them in double thick fabric.) Those drapes do such a good job of stopping drafts that I have been able to lower my thermostat to 62 degrees and still stay comfortable. Finally, the old rules are still good. Turn out lights when you leave a room. Shut your computer and printer off at night. Don't waste power. Every little bit helps.

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