Monday, September 15, 2008


Here's a neat way to potentially make a little money. Write about something you know well. If you start a free blog on either or, you can run advertising via Adbrite or Google. When readers click on those ads, you make a little bit of money. I'm not suggesting that you will be able to quit your job (I wish!) but you can earn something if you try.

I collect watches as a hobby. Not surprisingly, I know a thing or two about the subject. A few years back, I set up a free blog on These days, I seem to average around 500 hits a day. Of that number, maybe 1% of my visitors click on an ad. That works out, for me at least, to a few hundred dollars a year. It isn't much admittedly, but its money I didn't have. Nothing wrong with that. It actually makes my hobby self supporting at this point. If you want to visit my watch website incidentally, click here.

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