Thursday, September 11, 2008

Slow down

A hybrid wouldn't hurt either :)

While gas prices have dropped a bit from the mid $4 range, I'm not quite ready to start singing 'happy days are here again' just yet. I have little doubt that if we drop our guard with respect to fuel efficiency, we're going to get hammered again. One sure fire way to get a few more miles out of a tank of gas is to stop punching the pedal. I went to the trouble of measuring my mileage, one tank driving normally and the next purposely driving at the speed limit. I also made it a point to coast whenever I could and to accelerate smoothly without hitting the gas hard. The result, a 3mpg improvement in fuel economy. The irony was, it didn't take me any more time to get where I was going one way or another. The ebb and flow of traffic apparently has a much greater effect on arrival times than the speed that I drive. A done deal.

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